Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cat Stand

Mad Scientists in the Lab

Just a few pictures of the girls working on their science labs.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

systematic destruction of civilization

Throughout the history of the world the morals and values that hold a society together and teach us how to be civilized have been passed down to each succeeding generation by stories and legends and written down in the religious texts of every nation. There we find the wisdom of the ages on how to be civilized.
Our current interpretation of the separation of church and state suppresses that wisdom of the ages from being a part of public life or government. I agree that government should not promote any individual religion, but I do think that government by its policies and laws should encourage and support religious organizations and also promote public discussion of values and morals.
Instead we have specific organizations whose goal is to erase every vestige of religion or morals from public life and government. They do it by promoting tolerance, equality, and separation of church and state. Most of us are all for that because we interpret those things different than how they are being promoted. All they have to do to suppress our voice is accuse us of being against any one of those things and we quickly back down.
We need to wake up and see the truth before they succeed with their goals and destroy our freedom and society.
The tolerance they promote is not to give equal respect to all people but to tolerate all immorality that people choose. For instance: There is an underground slave trade and people trafficking that is a very lucrative business based in prostitution and fueled by the pornography industry. But don't you dare say anything against pornography. It is a choice and doesn't hurt anybody. Even the majority of our advertising appeals to lust and helps to promote the whole industry. So lets ignore that marriages and families are being shattered. Lets also ignore that the lives of children are being destroyed as they are put into slavery and forced prostitution. No harm. Right?
And what about equality? Equality in opportunity is a good thing and is what most of us are thinking when we hear the word equality. What is being promoted is equality in the outcome. That means that both the contributors and the slackers in society should get equal shares of the good produced. Even children understand how that is unjust. When the goods that your effort produced get shared equally with those who have done nothing, what is the motivation to keep doing anything? Wouldn't it be better to focus on putting more value on the diverse contributions individuals make in our society. Such as: childcare, teaching, nurturing is still highly undervalued in our society.

A great analogy that puts this all in perspective and shows the role of government is the analogy of the traffic light. This is a summary of that analogy taken from the book Why We Whisper by Jim DeMint & J. David Woodard, Ph. D. (pg.50-51)

We choose to give up personal freedom for the good of society. A simple example is the traffic light. Unless everyone complies the system does not work. We all know that running a red light is wrong. We obey or we will be arrested or fined. But consider this scenario: some members of congress become concerned that the fines are too burdensome for the poor. A new federal program is set up to pay the fines and the medical expenses of those injured after running a red light. It also pays for unemployment caused by the injuries or suspension of driver's liceses. The number of people running red lights increase as well as the injuries and deaths. The spending for the federal program expands and the cost of auto insurance skyrockets for everyone. The Department of Education impliments a new driver education program teaching how to "safely" run a red light. As the federal program expands, research confirms that they serve mainly to encourage students to run red lights and many students no longer believe that running a red light is wrong. Conflicting laws change societies view of right and wrong. One teacher is fired for embarassing a student in class who ran a red light. A trucking company lost a lawsuit to a truck diriver that was fired because he had perfected the technique of running red lights. Responsible drivers who stop at red lights are harrased by those who must wait behind them. Running red lights is still illegal. A candidate for congress is criticized for favoring strong enforcement of red lights, while the opposing candidate calls him intolerant for suggesting it is wrong to run red lights and asserts he is predjudiced against the poor.

Now insert anything of a moral or religious nature in the above scenario and see how those organizations are systematically working to destroy our civilization because of their predjudice against organised religion.

We better start opening our eyes and seeing the truth.
For an example of an organization who uses this pattern take a close look at the ACLU
Isn't Obamba endorsed by the ACLU?