Thursday, January 26, 2012

Courage for 20 seconds

"Courage for 20 seconds" I watched a movie this last weekend (We bought a Zoo) that had that line in it. I've been thinking about that. Courage to risk opening your heart in a relationship with the risk of rejection or deepening the relationship. Courage to speak up in a political discussion where you have an opposing viewpoint. Courage to share a spiritual concept with a friend, family member, or coworker.
Courage to confront evil like in the case of Moroni and his letters to Ammoron (Alma 54:5-14) and Pahoran (Alma 60). Moroni wrote very similar letters to both. That courage to speak up and confront the evil in the situation and give the opportunity to the other person to do the right thing even in the face of creating more anger. And in the responses to the letters we learn of the intents of the hearts and thus dispel some of Satans deceptions. Ammoran responded with anger. Pahoran was grateful because it gave him an answer as to what to do. He reafirmed that his heart was in the right place. I am sure it took Moroni much longer than the 20 seconds, but what a difference it can make to have that courage for 20 seconds to speak up and share truth and open the way for more truth and maybe make a big difference in someone elses life.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Free Write Wk3

I think this weeks learning can all be summed up in the graphic that represents the mission of BYUI

It is circular in nature representing the integrated systems of the whole college and even our lives.
At the core is student honor. We have the honor code that is a step above. It includes our personal honor, integrity, being in tune with the Holy Ghost, it is central to our lives, brings us joy and happiness, and a desire to love and serve others. It is based on integrity, morality, and consideration of others.
Surrounding that is the Spirit of Ricks. Every thing works together to help keep that spirit permeating our lives and learning experience.
It is a place we go to get more than just an education. There is also top priority placed on disciple preparation and leadership development. From that central place a standard of truth is erected and goes out to influence the world.
The disciple preparation center (DCP) accelerates the process by being isolated, focused & intense, emphasis on dress code and demeanor, a temple of learning, near a temple, surrounded by strong stakes of Zion. It emphasizes a faith that is focused on the Son of God, a spiritual gift that should be sought, and a means of dispelling fear.
Disciple leadership emphasizes leading with a small “L”(ministering and serving), ability to teach, courage and conviction, knowing how to communicate effectively, and living with honor.
The keystone that makes it all possible comes through the emphasis on inspired learning AND teaching.

As I ponder on these things, it just makes me want to more fully step up, incorporate as much of this same spirit in my individual learning as possible, do everything I can to keep the spirit with me, learn more so that I can serve more effectively in what ever the Lord has in store for me.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Free Write WK 2

Summary of principles:
Our lesson objectives for the week are to identify the gospel perspective on learning and to identify and apply skills for adjusting to college.

To summarize from the book Major Decisions-Chap1 & 3:
Chap 1 talks about the value of education especially for us as LDS. Because of the value of education we can count on Divine guidance to help us out. We need to take the opportunities to learn all we can in many different areas. Education will help us not only in this life but the next. It will enhance our abilities to serve the Lord and our fellowmen. Heavenly Father will direct our paths and get us the education we need and put the people in our paths that will help us succeed in the way both needed for ourselves and others.

Chap 3 talks about High Stakes judgments. Because of globalization, one person can impact the entire world for either good or bad. The degree of HSJ decisions we are capable of making can determine our success and pay scale. Understanding what decisions are HSJ can direct our career path in the most profitable way. They have to do with amount of risk, amount of time to train, and working with people rather than inanimate objects. Some HSJ jobs don't pay as well financially such as teachers, volunteers, and parents. We should always work to increase our HSJ capabilities. Good HSJ decisions require 3 things: analysis skills, people skills and moral sense. College helps us develop the skills to make good HSJ decisions.

The process of adjustment:
When we embark on new experiences in our lives there is a process of adjustment. That also applies to starting college. Those stages are the Honeymoon period, Culture shock, Initial adjustment, Mental Isolation, and finally Acceptance & Integration. Recognizing and giving ourselves Time to go through that process is a key factor.

What I learned:
I think the thing that had the most impact on me this week is recognizing that I am really going through a process of adjustment in my life right now. Not only with starting college, but I have just changed marital status and am joining the world of singles. I am living in a new city which has also changed my living style from more country to city living. I am in a new ward & developing new friendships. I am also just starting to actively promote my sewing business and having some success which also brings fitting all of that into my daily routine. Basically there is very little of my life that is the same as it was a year ago.
I think the process of writing down my own personal case study and reflecting on the stages of the adjustment process has helped me tremendously. Even in class as I was sharing I was being helped with the process. I can recognize aspects of all the first 4 stages of the process in my life right now. There are even changes from the first of the week to now. I also feel a little more relaxed and have made the decision to not worry about getting a part time job until I have moved more of my current life in to the stage of Acceptance & Integration. I would however take on a job if it was dropped in my lap. It is okay to take time with the process.
Another thing that has really helped was the reading in Major Decisions about how even if our lives don't necessarily go in the direction we had planned that Heavenly Father is there directing and we will be taken care of, we will get the education we need, and we will meet the people that are supposed to come into our lives both for our benefit and the benefit of others. I do very much feel guided in my life right now and am feeling a little more faith in the process.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Since I have returned to college (BYU-I) and part of the experience to really help make the learning stick is to teach it to others, I have decided that I will start using this blog to post some of my summaries and reflections. I welcome your comments and questions!

Here is a copy of my Free Write from Week 1:

Summary of principles:
The objective of the lesson this week is to become familiar with the course structure and environment and to reflect on the purposes and value of a college education.

Peer to peer instruction helps us learn by also teaching. That teaching allows action and helps us accept responsibility for our own education. By taking that action we are inviting the Holy Ghost into the process and that helps accelerate the learning and helps us reach beyond our own capabilities. Participation also helps us recognize the spiritual guidance we are being given. Our willingness to act or exercise our agency gives the Holy Ghost the opportunity to influence both our lives and the lives of those we with whom we interact. Preparation with those goals in mind is a big part of the process.

From the Major Decisions readings: We learn that although college doesn't always insure job readiness and good grades do not guarantee real learning or preparation for life, it can open our eyes and our heart to the world and the possibilities. Higher education is essential to a successful, secure career. It can help us with our people skills and analytical skills. It gives us an opportunity to be influenced by others and learn by both their insights and mistakes. We need to take responsibility for our own learning. We need to consider the costs, not just financial, but also the opportunity costs and the time value of money. The more we can develop our vision and our ability to make high-stakes judgments the greater our value becomes. Hard working students who are a little older and more mature can perform well in college. College gives us an opportunity to have a more secure and intellectually rewarding career.

What I learned:
When I attended Ricks college in the past, I loved the spirit that I felt there. I didn't think I would ever experience anything like that again. I realized as I was listening to the videos and clips and interacting with my fellow classmates that spirit was present. The Spirit of Ricks or now BYU-I is here even in this online learning opportunity. I love it!
Another thing that really stood out to me is the importance in the learning process of teaching others. I am looking for opportunities when I am teaching to also encourage those in the class to teach others the things they are learning.
It has taken me a long time to learn how to really recognize the guidance of the Holy Ghost in my everyday life and I still fall short of it all the time. I look for opportunities to teach others the process so they can recognize the Spirit in their own lives. This gave me some good clues in that direction. In addition to prayer and preparation, taking that action to step up and participate and teach each other authorizes the Holy Ghost to influence us. I know in the past as I have been teaching or just participating in a discussion, when someone asks a question and I ponder and respond, it is many times in my own speaking up and responding that things become clearer. It is in attempting to put it into words so someone else can understand.
I think rather than worrying about what I can't do or am scared to do, it is more important for me to just step up and do what I can and trust that the Spirit will guide the process.

The key process: Prepare > Teach > Reflect> Put into action (not necessarily in that order)

I have learned many things over the years on my own but it is not nearly as powerful as the learning that takes place with the interaction with others thoughts and ideas. I love the intellectual stimulation that this college opportunity provides!