Thursday, February 5, 2009

aching arms

My oldest daughter gave birth to Jayden Amy Mitchell on Tues morning. This spirit was so perfect that all she needed was a body before she went to live with her Heavenly Father. My daughters arms and heart will have to wait a time before their ache will be satisfied. She will have to leave the cuddling and care to her great grandparents for a time.

This is the letter my husband sent to my daughter:

Great Grandma is There

Great Grandma Stott was an incredible cook, eating a meal at her home was a memorable treat. Having dinner at her house on mutual nights has always been one of Mom’s favorite memories. She loved to make quilts. Her favorite time was always Christmas Eve when her entire family visited her. She loved having her family around her!

Great Grandma Oliphant absolutely loved children! She had thirteen of her own and spent her entire life serving in Primary. She wouldn’t serve anywhere else. She loved to can and is the originator of the famous turkey soup noodles Mom still fixes after Thanksgiving.

Great Grandma Cox was a registered nurse. She succored many a child back to good health. She was the champion spoiler of all grandmas! Every time we visited her, she had a new toy for us, or slipped a ten-dollar bill into our pockets, or fixed us a root beer float.

Great Grandma Lord/Stewart loved little girls. Just weeks before she passed away, I felt impressed to visit her and introduce her to her first Great Granddaughter, Ginanne. You couldn’t talk yet, but neither could she due to a stroke she had suffered. I sat you on her table right in front of her chair and for the longest time the two of you cooed, giggled, and hummed to each other. She loved you!

Tonight all four of those grandmas along with those from Jordan’s family are holding Jayden. They are cooing over her, snuggling her, comforting her. She is in very, very good hands. Hands that have decades of experience with babies and families, hands that are expert in comforting.

I promise you that. I also promise you that the day will come when you will hold that child again and have the opportunity to raise her to adulthood and you will understand what the purpose of this entire ordeal is about. It will make sense and you will be glad it happened. It will be a blessing to you, Jordan, and Jayden.

“ But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world.”
--Moroni 8:12

Stay strong and close to the Lord!

I love you,


1 comment:

Nuttyguy said...

I'm not gonna lie, Dads message brought tears to my eyes.