Saturday, February 21, 2009

Association Meme

This post is in response to Jaspenelle post.
Why Not? Association Meme

Family is my most important priority in life. It is the source of my greatest joy and my greatest sorrow. There is no love like that found in family. Family knows you at your very worst and loves you anyway. Friends we choose mostly because of similarities, we don't always get that with family. Sometimes maintaining relationships with family can be the most challenging, but when we face the challenge and get to the other side there is no joy that can compare.

My resourcefulness comes out when I am challenged. I will take the easy way when it is available but I will also make do with whatever is available. It is at those times that some of my most favorite creations have come about. I have discovered that I can be very creative when the need arises. My resourcefulness is not limited to just things, but can also be found in bringing together diverse ideas, or in relationships.

This is my source of life and inner strength. Nourishing my spirit is my number one personal priority. Without it I don't have anything left to give to anyone else and being a blessing in the lives of others is a top priority.

When Jaspenelle thinks of me as being faithful, I am not really sure in what way she is meaning. Faith as in Religious, faithful to my husband, or as in loyalty to a friend. All three apply. As far as friendship goes, if you have ever taken the opportunity to get to know me enough and consider us friends, then you are always a friend and hold a special place in my heart, and I will continue to want the very best for you even if we do not have an ongoing relationship.

Debating for me is an intellectual exercise. It helps me to explore all the different perspectives of an issue and then gives me an opportunity to further clarify my own viewpoint and practice putting that viewpoint into words. It is not about convincing another person that their viewpoint is wrong. It also helps me get to know others better and I think is a great exercise in tolerance. My personal choice is to stop debating when I recognize that the debate is getting heated or moving into personal attacks. It is also something that is fairly recent in my life and probably most that know me do not have any idea that I like to debate.

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