Thursday, January 26, 2012

Courage for 20 seconds

"Courage for 20 seconds" I watched a movie this last weekend (We bought a Zoo) that had that line in it. I've been thinking about that. Courage to risk opening your heart in a relationship with the risk of rejection or deepening the relationship. Courage to speak up in a political discussion where you have an opposing viewpoint. Courage to share a spiritual concept with a friend, family member, or coworker.
Courage to confront evil like in the case of Moroni and his letters to Ammoron (Alma 54:5-14) and Pahoran (Alma 60). Moroni wrote very similar letters to both. That courage to speak up and confront the evil in the situation and give the opportunity to the other person to do the right thing even in the face of creating more anger. And in the responses to the letters we learn of the intents of the hearts and thus dispel some of Satans deceptions. Ammoran responded with anger. Pahoran was grateful because it gave him an answer as to what to do. He reafirmed that his heart was in the right place. I am sure it took Moroni much longer than the 20 seconds, but what a difference it can make to have that courage for 20 seconds to speak up and share truth and open the way for more truth and maybe make a big difference in someone elses life.

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