Saturday, January 21, 2012

Free Write Wk3

I think this weeks learning can all be summed up in the graphic that represents the mission of BYUI

It is circular in nature representing the integrated systems of the whole college and even our lives.
At the core is student honor. We have the honor code that is a step above. It includes our personal honor, integrity, being in tune with the Holy Ghost, it is central to our lives, brings us joy and happiness, and a desire to love and serve others. It is based on integrity, morality, and consideration of others.
Surrounding that is the Spirit of Ricks. Every thing works together to help keep that spirit permeating our lives and learning experience.
It is a place we go to get more than just an education. There is also top priority placed on disciple preparation and leadership development. From that central place a standard of truth is erected and goes out to influence the world.
The disciple preparation center (DCP) accelerates the process by being isolated, focused & intense, emphasis on dress code and demeanor, a temple of learning, near a temple, surrounded by strong stakes of Zion. It emphasizes a faith that is focused on the Son of God, a spiritual gift that should be sought, and a means of dispelling fear.
Disciple leadership emphasizes leading with a small “L”(ministering and serving), ability to teach, courage and conviction, knowing how to communicate effectively, and living with honor.
The keystone that makes it all possible comes through the emphasis on inspired learning AND teaching.

As I ponder on these things, it just makes me want to more fully step up, incorporate as much of this same spirit in my individual learning as possible, do everything I can to keep the spirit with me, learn more so that I can serve more effectively in what ever the Lord has in store for me.

1 comment:

Druceal said...

thank you for sharing this. Sense I didn't get the opportunity to go to Ricks I never heard this before, and I love the way it is stated. I will admit that through my years I have learned these truths. I have enjoyed them.